New SCF 5G mmWave FR2 Work Group seeks contributors
The next SCF work item set up by Picocom, iCana and Qualcomm will look at 5G mmWave FR2 reference design, and the group is seeking contributors to participate. The aim is to gather consensus and recommendations from industry-leading vendors on architectures and interfaces that will help drive the ecosystem of products and components for cost-effective solutions.
Vicky Messer, VP of Product Management at Picocom and SCF work item lead, said: “We’d like to hear from companies in the industry that want to get involved in this work item, including operators, small cell vendors, and chipset vendors. We’re looking for people with knowledge of the use cases for FR2, international market requirements, and also more expertise on the system architecture and design would be useful to add to the team.”
To find out more or to join the group, please email info@smallcellforum.org.
Original Source: Small Cell Forum (SCF) 2023.