Peter Claydon talks Open RAN with The Mobile Network
Peter Claydon, President of 5G small cell chipset developer Picocom, says that the Open RAN movement aligns well with market drivers for small cells, in a recent interview piece with The Mobile Network.
The article features ‘7 Things Peter Know’s About’… what Open RAN means for Small Cells and covered the following:
1. The problems of a closed RAN ecosystem
2. Open RAN itself is not without risks
3. In-building and new ownership and service models will drive demand
4. Open RAN and the small cell
5. Silicon will be key – companies need their SoCs
6. Picocom’s upcoming small cell SoC
7. We know Open RAN and back its success
To read the full story visit The Mobile Network: 7 Things I Know About… Peter Claydon on what Open RAN means for Small Cells.